
Words For The Prefix Anti

Definition & Meaning: Anti Root Word

What does the word root 'anti' mean?

You must have heard a lot of words based on this anti root word. Say, you pop in an antibiotic when yous take whatsoever infection and as the proper noun suggests its kills the bacteria which are causing the infection and that it is confronting them. And then, we can easily remember that the root word 'anti' ways oppose to something/ against someone or something /act to forbid something.

The best matter about learning through roots is that at that place might be easy or difficult words from the same root word and you can learn all of them together through this method. So, if you come across the word Anti-Semitism y'all would be able to sympathize that it's confronting something, which is a very important part of the meaning of the word equally it means being against or existence hostile towards Jews.


Let us take one instance for this. Allow's say word is 'contempt'

'Antipathy' breaks down into:

Anti : opposed to
Pathos : a quality that causes people to feel sympathy
Anti + pathy= a strong feeling of dislike which is opposite to sympathy.

Anti Root Word: Learn words related to word root Anti

Words Based on the Anti Root Word

Listing of words based on Anti Root Word:

1. Antithesis: The exact reverse of someone or something
2. Antibiotic : Tending to preclude, inhibit, or destroy life
3. Anticlimax : An event, catamenia, or outcome that is strikingly less important or dramatic than expected
4. Antidote : Something that corrects or improves the bad effect of something.
5. Hating : Violent or harmful to people
half dozen. Antihero : A protagonist or a notable effigy who is conspicuously lacking in heroic qualities
7. Anti- inflammatory : Counteracting inflammation
8. Antibody : A substance produced by the body to fight affliction
9. Antiviolence : Against or opposed to violence
10. Antiaging : To stop or oppose the aging process
eleven. Antibacterial : Active confronting bacteria
12. Antihuman: Acting or being against humanity
thirteen. Antidandruff : Ane that stops growth of dandruff.
14. Antiamerican : One who hates american.
15. Antishock : Ane that tin can prevent shock
16. Antialiasing : A software technique to remove jaggies in order to brand signal smoother.
17. Antioxidant : A substance that inhibits oxidation
18. Antiurban : Ane who opposes urban traditions and culture
19. Antiracist : One who opposes beliefs pertaining to racism
twenty. Antiwhite : Hatred for white people
21. Antiwoman : Hatred confronting women

An like shooting fish in a barrel root similar the Anti root word can help you recall a few difficult words. Also, whenever you will come up across a word that is formed from the same root word Anti, you will be able to understand the give-and-take in context.

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Words For The Prefix Anti,


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