
How To Use Strife In A Sentence

Synonym: controversy, dispute, fighting, squabble. Antonym: peace. Similar words: trifle, strip, string, strict, strike, republic of austria, austrian, strike off. Meaning: [straɪf] due north. 1. lack of agreement or harmony 2. bitter conflict; heated often violent dissension.

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(1) Poverty breeds strife.

(2) A devil-may-care word may kindle strife; a savage word may wreck a life, a timely word may level stress, a loving give-and-take may heal and bless.

(3) What are the prospects for overcoming the strife betwixt the Christian minority and Muslim majority?

(4) The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife.

(5) He lost his task during concluding yr's industrial strife.

(6) Racial strife is tearing our state autonomously.

(7) The country was torn apart by strife.

(8) Coin is a major cause of strife in many marriages.

(9) 20 years of civil strife have left the state'south economy in ruins.

(10) Grade consciousness must be encouraged through industrial strife.

(11) Ill-treated hobgoblins tin crusade strife and discord, though, souring milk(sentence lexicon), tangling clothes and muddying floors for spite.

(12) In opposition, the fratricidal strife within the Labour Party became stronger.

(xiii) Aggrandizement creates strife, as unlike groups in society struggle to restore their living standards.

(14) His concluding model of civil strife is depicted in Figure 5.1.

(15) After a calendar week of civil strife, Jerusalem itself was captured by the rebels.

(xvi) Problems such as deadlines, noise, marital strife, excessive demands made on our time past others, so forth.

(17) The state has been torn apart by years of civil strife.

(18) We do non intend to exist drawn into the internal strife.

(19) On the solar day of the wedding, simply for a short while, all strife was laid bated.

(xx) In the terminate, in that location was no end to the strife, though neither Hooke nor Huygens produced a true marine timekeeper.

(21) They blamed the republic's nationalistic coalition government for the slide into civil strife.

(22) If pushed too hard at this disquisitional moment he could impose emergency dominion and provoke far greater strife.

(23) Don't yous deserve a break from the stress and the strife?

(24) The Rockefeller episode vividly demonstrates the Republican appetite for strife.

(25) We make a collective decision, together, for peace or for strife.

(26) How tin a struggling system escape this pernicious cycle of perpetual reaction and strife?

(27) Ethically, it is incommunicable to redistribute income intentionally in a developing state to see if ceremonious strife erupts.

(28) For a considerable part of the intervening period there was recurrent civil strife betwixt magnate and dynastic factions.

(29) What kind of love was theirs, that it brought strife instead of peace?

(30) Critics were quick to blame the government for the new levels of strife and violence in labour relations.

(ane) The country has been torn apart by years of civil strife.

(2) What are the prospects for overcoming the strife betwixt the Christian minority and Muslim majority?

(3) The reactionary ruling clique was torn past internal strife.

(four) We do not intend to be drawn into the internal strife.

More like words: trifle, strip, string, strict, strike, republic of austria, austrian, strike off, restrict, district, strictly, striking, distribute, stringent, industrial, The concluding rites, distribution, restriction, extraterrestrial, married woman, life, drift, rifle, knife, thrift, verify, for life, clarify, terrify, terrific.

How To Use Strife In A Sentence,


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